Unified Webinar
June 30, 2021
Theme: Building a Unified Global Community: The Responsibility of Christianity
Participants from more than 48 nations joined us for this webinar!
Dr. Luonne Abram Rouse, National Co-Chairman of ACLC, served as the MC for this webinar, and there were three keynote speakers addressing this theme: (1) Rev. Marcia Levine - Minister of New Jerusalem Apostolic Church in Birmingham, England, (2) Rev. Father Edgardo C. De Jesus - Parish of the Holy Cross in the Philippines, and (3) Archbishop Chrysostomos Celi’s (Metropolitan Archbishop of the Orthodox Church) message read by Rev. T.L. Barrett (Senior Pastor of the Life Center Church of God in Christ). In addition, Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, Dr. Michael Balcomb - President of FFWPU Europe & Middle East, as well as Rev. Dr. Madelene Clark-Alexander, (4) Archbishop George Augustus Stallings Jr., Rev. John Rodney, and Dr. Mark Abernathy gave remarks and prayers that contributed greatly in creating a spirit of unity. This time, a special recognition was given to Ms. Ashley Dearing, Rev. Dairo Ferrabolli, and Mrs. Zenaida Pro for being the winners in the Mother of Peace Essay Contest.