We want to thank you for your Mother of Peace essay submission.
All essays were translated into Korean and read to Mother Moon, in which she was very moved.
Although it was extremely difficult to select our winners, we did finalize the top three:
1st Place
Ms. Ashley Dearing (USA)
“Dr. Moon’s book seemed to have lightning coming from it. Her heart seemed to be bursting with love and enthusiasm that she wanted to give to her readers. She truly is the Mother of Peace because her life shows her adoration and compassion for human beings. There is no one who has been given this gift from God. She is a blessing to all who will read this book.”
“Her memoir is to be treasured for eternity especially as a road map to turn passion into purpose, purpose into principles and with sincere devotion, realize all God’s dreams to make all human relations perfect and divine again.”
2nd Place
Rev. Dairo Ferrabolli (USA)
3rd Place
Mrs. Zenaida Pro (Peru)
“Thanks to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s words, I found a light that guided me from darkness. I was lost and thanks to Mother Moon’s words, I was comforted, her words embraced me and gave me this courage I needed to face my own fears, identify my skills and gifts and put them at the service of others.”
Special gifts were prepared and given to the top 3 winners from Mother Moon:
Montblanc Ballpoint Pens with Mother Moon’s signature and message
“May Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ love and blessings be with you always.”Crystal Plaques
Financial Award