World Christian Leadership Conference Resolution
A new, providential era of Heaven has dawned upon the world. What ‘true spirit’ is Heaven anticipating to see among the Christian clergy at this time? It is the spirit of attending God as the center while upholding the dignity of the individual and family, loving one's neighbor as oneself, and building nations centering on God. As members of clergy during this important time, we affirm our commitment to uphold the value of the family which is the basis of all things in the universe as well as support the realization of a Heavenly Unified World that will in turn contribute to everlasting global peace. We also affirm the importance of creating a peaceful world which helps realize the hopes and dreams of future generations.
We, the Christian clergy, pledge to build a healthy society that lives for the sake of others and spread the Heavenly Pacific Era centering on God by carrying out blessed family movements which will result in realizing environments that are not centered on the individual but ‘One family, One Nation under God.’
Members of the clergy have the mission to bring about God's new providential era and fulfill the will of God that is unfolding here today. Recognizing the providential importance of bringing about world peace, we propose the launch of the interdenominational, World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC). The World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC) will establish a Heavenly world of peace through activities of solidarity that go beyond religion, race and national borders while attending Heavenly Parents and True Parents as the center. We understand and recognize this work to be truly part of Heaven’s current providence and hereby resolve to do the following:
We, the Christian Clergy, recognize that Heaven’s new providence is to go beyond religion, race and national borders and realize eternal peace. Hence, we resolve to take the lead in loving Heaven, loving humankind and loving our nation.
We, the Christian Clergy, affirm that “Peace Starts with Me” and resolve to advance the realization of true families by promoting true family values, healthy society, loving one's neighbor movements and other God-centered initiatives aimed at reviving the Importance of inviting God into our lives.
We, the Christian Clergy, are fully aware that God’s new providential era lies in the World Christian Leadership Conference and pledge to spread the era of the Heavenly Pacific Civilization with Christian clergy around the world by uniting as one, determined to fulfill the great responsibility of helping the chosen nation of Korea become a Heavenly Unified Korea.
Signed December 28, 2019