Unified Webinar
November 24, 2021
Theme: Building a Unified Global Community: The Responsibility of Christianity
Participants from 37 nations joined us for this webinar.
Dr. Luonne Abram Rouse, National Co-Chairman of ACLC, served as the MC for this webinar, and three distinguished keynote speakers addressed this theme: (1) Minister Joshua Holmes - National Program Director of ACLC & National Director of YCLC, (2) Archbishop George Augustus Stallings Jr. - President of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), and (3) Rev. Angelika Selle- President of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), and (4) Dr. Michael Jenkins - President of UPF International & Chairman of UPF North America. In addition, Dr. Ki Hoon Kim as well Rev. Janet Reid, Dr. Glovinia Williams, and Rev. Jean DeDieu gave remark, readings, and powerful prayers that contributed greatly in creating an inspiring spirit.